YouTube Videos
YouTube Videos
Former Socialism’s Faults – Hakim (2020)
This is a fantastic video that will give you not only an introduction to past socialist states but also good-faith criticisms of them. These examples will give you plenty of substantive topics to think about and talk about when you discuss Socialism with skeptics.
Veteran talks about worst day in Afghanistan in VR (2020)
I found this young man’s story extremely raw and honest. Our military takes advantage of our alienated young men and uses their physical and mental health like natural resources.
Some context for this video: The US was responsible for more civilian deaths in Afghanistan in the beginning of 2019 than the Taliban.
Yanis Varoufakis with Professor Noam Chomsky at NYPL, April 16, 2016
Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy? (2018)
Greek economist and politician Yanis Varoufakis explains how socialism is rooted in democracy and its history in everyday language to the Cambridge Forum in Massachusetts.
What Constitutes a Socialist Society? – Xexizy (2017)
A great (but higher level) explanation of commodity form and state capitalism.
The 5 Filters of The Mass Media Machine – Al Jazeera English (2017)
A fun and easy animated breakdown inspired by Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent.