This definitive history of Cuba from pre-Colombus to Donald Trump is an incredible resource. Cuban history is an incredible theater for a range of historical dramas, and it’s a prime example for learning about everything from colonialism and slavery to the cold war and communism.
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This book is a fantastic introduction to Chinese economics. The author does a great job of explaining China’s Marxist policies from the perspective of western economics.
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Turns out, you really only need one party (and it’s not the Democratic Party). For any question, there is only one answer that most benefits THE PEOPLE. We are too ashamed of our rights to admit that. It leaves us with one side that uses popular hatred to sneak in policies that let the rich rob working people blind… and another side also co-opted by the rich that rejects the hatred but not our economic oppression. Both sides are invalid and undemocratic. We need a ruling party that rejects the interests of the rich to pursue the interests of our country and its people. After all, under capitalism, the working class and the owning class’s interests are fundamentally opposed in a short-sighted zero-sum game. TikTokPartner CasaTikTok PrideTikTok Liberal
Turns out, the only party you need is a communist party 🥰 For any question, there is only one answer that most benefits THE PEOPLE.
We are too ashamed of our rights to admit that. It leaves us with one side that uses popular hatred to sneak in policies that let the rich rob working people blind… and another side also co-opted by the rich that rejects the hatred but not our economic oppression.
Both sides are invalid and undemocratic. We need a ruling party that rejects the interests of the rich to pursue the interests of our country and its people. After all, under capitalism, the working class and the owning class’s interests are fundamentally opposed in a short-sighted zero-sum game.
This is a really fresh and fun song with a hook in Mandarin and the rest in English, sung by Nigerian singer Brazy. It’s really cool to hear Chinese language and culture find its way into a fun dance track like this.
This video series put things into perspective very easily. Every story has two sides, and the western narrative so easily supports treason and terrorism against the Chinese government as normal. They see the government of China as an illegitimate regime and would rather see destruction and chaos against it than stability and progress.
China’s extradition law would be normal and even lax in the grand scheme of things. Every western state has the capacity to persecute people who make themselves enemies of the state by colluding with foreign nations or other serious crimes.
We were also not told the whole story of how destructive and violent the protestors were.
This is a normal travel vlog made by a European couple who saw China for themselves. It really is that simple. Go to China, speak with real everyday Chinese people, and see what lies you’ve been told about China.
This cute British couple travels around Urumqi, Xinjiang and see how developed and peaceful it is. They see mosques and signs written in the supposedly suppressed Uyghur language.
This is a great video about some of the simple things in Chinese society that have a big effect on quality of life. I too was SHOCKED that fresh produce was literally pennies.
This is a video from 2014. This entire series on YouTube contains a deluge of evidence on the true nature of the war in Ukraine. This video shows the massive pro-Russia sentiment in the independent state of The People’s Republic of Donetsk.
They wanted democracy to show the world it was not “Russian imperialism” that made them leave Ukraine but Ukrainian oppression.