A great (but higher level) explanation of commodity form and state capitalism.
The 5 Filters of The Mass Media Machine – Al Jazeera English (2017)
A fun and easy animated breakdown inspired by Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent.
The Eugenics Crusade (2018)
This is a very important documentary that shows the genesis of the idea that people are poor or a burden on society because of their individual problems. It’s all a self-serving sham built on pseudoscience and rich people’s pride.
Marx’s Capital with Martin Thomas
This playlist is a fantastic breakdown of Marx’s Capital in everyday language.
Marx, Marxism, and the Cooperative Movement (2005)
This essay by Bruno Jossa very fully catalogues the discussion around the efficacy of worker cooperatives as well as whether or not different Marxists considered them to be Socialist.
Richard Wolff Marxism in the US
Wolff explains the history of Marxism in the US. This really helped give context to the anti-Socialist culture in the US.
22nd Century – Nina Simone (1971)
Beautiful song with Communist elements by the great Nina Simone.