How China is saving the world from climate change

Climate change used to make me depressed until I saw that China is almost single-handedly saving the world. China just tripled their new solar energy production in one year. At just 17% of the world population, China is now home to 80% of the worldā€™s solar production. They produce a third of all renewable energy, three times more than the United States, who is now producing more fossil fuels than any country in human history. Over the next five years, China will build as much renewable capacity as the rest of the world combined, plus an additional 30% more. Meanwhile, the US is restricting the trade of affordable Chinese solar panels.

China also plants more trees yearly than any country in the world. Theyā€™ve been fighting back the spread of the Gobi Desert since the 70ā€™s by reforesting as much area as the state of California. Chinaā€™s Great Green Wall project is their second wall big enough to be seen from space.

Youā€™ve seen the memes about Taylor Swiftā€™s private jet. People are freaking out because air travel is easily the worst thing an individual can do for the environment. A single passenger on a flight from New York to LA and back is responsible for 10% of the average Americanā€™s CO2 emissions.

Taking a train can cut emissions of a shorter flight by over 80% and actually save you time since high speed rail can travel over 250MPH. Yeah, train stations are easier to get to and donā€™t have hour-long security lines. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m freaking out over the fact that China built 68% of the worldā€™s high speed rail in just 15 years!

Itā€™s gonna be the only sustainable way to travel fast, and itā€™s cheaper than flying too! It costs around $80, ā…“ of the price of flying, to take high speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai. And if youā€™re on a budget, you can take a slower train for as cheap as $20.

Also, China is the leading producer and purchaser of electric vehicles, producing and purchasing over 5 times as much as the United States, whoā€™s in second place. Meanwhile, the United States has banned Chinese electric car brands from selling their superior quality and much more affordable cars to us. Apparently there are now several smaller EV models that sell for under $10,000 in China, and theyā€™re actually nice and hi-tech. The savings come from the insanely efficient and automated factories theyā€™ve developed.

Meanwhile Tesla, one of the biggest companies in the United States, manufactures over half of their cars in China. And the EU just hit Chinaā€™s biggest EV company with a 13-month audit to make sure that the government hasnā€™t been unfairly helping the company develop its technologyā€¦ to save our planet from destructionā€¦ becauseā€¦ markets? Theyā€™re also admitting that socialist economies have an advantage yet say socialism can never workā€¦ uhhh.

Do you see how ironic it is that these capitalist countries have to use their governments to keep their failing industries alive because they canā€™t compete with China on a free market? Gotta save the corporationsā€¦ at the expense of the consumer and the planet.

When I visited Shenzhen, the streets were covered with a brand new fleet of electric taxis. The entire world needs to follow Chinaā€™s rapid pace if we want to prevent rising sea levels, massive crop failures, and extreme natural disasters. But the rest of the world is still subservient to corporations and profit. The only reason China can do all this is also the reason why theyā€™re the biggest polluters in the world. Iā€™ll explain.

First, know that this pollution comes from development and manufacturing so much for the rest of the world. Second, know that China has taken over 28% of the worldā€™s manufacturing. China is the biggest producer of coal in the world because itā€™s the energy source they have today to build the renewable energy of tomorrow. And it still puts China behind 14 other countries when you divide by their massive population. China pollutes way less per person than Japan or South Korea while Australia, Canada, and the US all pollute almost 3x as much per person.

China has taken on over 28% of the worldā€™s manufacturing and is the biggest trading partner of 120 of the worldā€™s 195 countries. Look around at all the clothing, electronics, machines, and even the phone in your hand. So much of it was made in China. In a sense, the world is exporting all their emissions these products cause to China.

They do this because China made it so the corporations need what they have. Itā€™s profitable for the corporations to play by their rules because Chinaā€™s developed the best factories, have the most experienced workforce, and now have the largest middle-class consumer market. 

China understands that controlling production is the only path to sovereignty in this capitalist world. They chose to use capitalismā€™s short-term profit-seeking against itself to bring a large share of the worldā€™s production under their control. They had to pollute their own country a ton for foreign corporations to profit, so they could bring that money in to build their own production.

Now they can afford to manufacture and develop all this green tech and focus on long-term goals. No capitalist countries can start a war with them or try to redirect their production to short-term profit-seeking because the corporations in charge of the rest of the world are too invested in China. They obey short-term profits while China is building the green economy of the future.

Here are some useful graphs I will use as graphics for the video I made on this subject:

North Koreans in Japan – Channel 4 (2023)

This video is a great place to start to gain some nuance on the situation in North Korea. After all, the underdevelopment and repressive state North Korea has today are a result of the Korean War, waged by the US.

The Korean war killed almost 1 in 5 North Koreans and destroyed every building more than 1 story tall. The indiscriminate bombing was truly horrific, and the war that split Korea gave both sides a horrible place to start from.

And for 35 years before that, Korea was badly exploited and brutalized as a Japanese colony. Thatā€™s what makes this video so insightful. It looks beyond the westā€™s perspective to show the everyday effects of the US intervention in Korea.

Woman is a Word (2016) – Empress of

Wow, this 8-year-old song I’m hearing for the first time gave me lots of inspiration today. The lyrics are so intellectual and demanding, the way she repeats them emphatically, starting with the assertion, “I’m only an image of what you see.”

The song builds with a delightful steel drum melody and becomes sensual and proudly womanly before transforming into more of a house instrumental. For the second verse, empress begins to chant “I’m only a struggle if I’m in your way”… “But you made the road one-way,” capturing a really common feeling we meet when struggling for justice.

Often, the blame gets shifted to the victims of oppression when they make their everyday struggles known to the people who built the system for themselves. In this song, Empress captures how those who built up the patriarchy made it for themselves then get mad when there’s not room for everyone, just like building a one-way road.

Empress of does a great job with this song, celebrating the struggle against patriarchy.

George Lucas Admiring Soviet Filmmakers’ Freedom in the USSR (2017)

George Lucas, the renown creator of Star Wars, explains so cogently how filmmakers with something to say have to mask their work under a premise that appears highly profitable. The big studios won’t green light a film for artistic merit or to tell an important story. They became big because they sell a product. All that money is tangled up in the capitalistic entertainment industry, and most true artistic visionaries never get to see it.

This reminds me of how many children’s movies make more off toy sales than ticket sales. So many major movies are merely commercials for secondary products these days. Marketing has been rapidly merging with the movie industry, and you see that more than ever these days when studios figure they can save on marketing by remaking something people are already familiar with.

And what we the public are left with is derivative and praises capital.

“In China there is freedom from violence. In the US there is freedom FOR violence.” – Because I’m Lizzy (2024)

Travel vlogs are some of the best way to get international political education and practice your media literacy. For me, it’s an amazing way to hear different perspectives directly and see the countries we are brainwashed about with our own eyes.

This YouTuber makes some fantastic points about the west’s narrative of “safety” in China. I encourage everyone to watch travel vlogs about the countries the US hates šŸ™‚

What is really going on in Ukraine?

Ukrainian Nationalists will say you are spreading Russian propaganda if you question how more weapons and war will solve their very real problems with sovereignty, democracy, and Russia. They will say your sources are Russian fake news without being able to provide a coherent counterargument and without directing you to a more credible source for that information.

They will never be able to correct the information you or I present to them because this information is accepted by both sides! So please, take a look at these anti-Russian, mainstream sources that I have gathered that show more nuance to the ongoing war in Ukraine, from its inception after the violent coup in 2014.

Before you take a look at the sources I used for my video, I recommend you take a look at this BBC segment from 9 years ago called “Why do some Ukrainians want to be part of Russia?”

This video shows that it’s not black-and-white “Russian imperialism” as we’ve been told. This war started with ethnically Russian Ukrainian separatists fighting for independence after their president was violently overthrown in 2014.

Now here is a Washington Post article that shows very clearly that Crimeans overwhelmingly wanted to join Russia in 2014 after the coup.

Six years and $20 billion in Russian investment later, Crimeans are happy with Russian annexation

This article uses data from a US Government funded poll that shows this approval of Russian leadership lasting through 2019. This study was funded with a grant from the US National Science Foundation Political Science Program, which makes sense because the US needed to understand what was really going on at the time.

Here is the episode of Vice’s Russian Roulette series from Ukraine in 2014 that I feature in my video that shows pro-Russian demonstrations. There are really two sides of this conflict, but the west tries to erase the pro-Russian side.

Now, here is the CBC piece covering Ukraine’s ongoing civil war in Donetsk in 2022, immediately before the Russian invasion. By this point, the pro-Russian separatists have control over the region but allowed the CBC journalist to see the situation for herself. She interviews civilians who lost family members and were themselves injured by Ukrainian shelling.

Here is the UN report that details the deaths of the civil war in Ukraine between 2014 and Jan 2022. The report mostly focuses on civilian deaths, and the 14,000+ deaths figure occurs in the final paragraph.

Here is the video of the UNICEF representative responding that UNICEF had no evidence that Russia had been “kidnapping” Ukrainian children.

And here is UNICEF’s response to the reports.

From what I can tell, these territories are Russian now, and Russia can’t leave children, many of them orphaned by this cruel war, in these war zones. This is a truly tragic situation with no “good” or “fair” outcome that will please everybody. And for every claim that Russia is trying to “Russify” these children, Ukraine is doing the same to try to “re-integrate” them into Ukrainian society.

Here is the only Russian source I will give because these are the results of Russian referendums. This is a Wikipedia article because the original source is in Russian, but you can go to that website and translate it yourself.

According to the results released by the Russian Central Election Commission through its sections in the DPR and the LPR, 99.23% (2,116,800 voters) supported the annexation in Donetsk and 98.42% (1,636,302 voters) in Luhansk. The turnouts were 97.51% (2,131,207 voters) and 94.15% (1,662,607 voters), respectively.

Here is the Associated Press article that shows that Zelensky has suspended presidential elections because of the war.

Ukraineā€™s president rules out holding elections next spring and calls for unity in fighting Russia

Here is the Democracy Now! report on the Ukrainian peace activist whose home was raided by police for being against the war.

Ukraine’s so-called democracy is in shambles. War makes countries more conservative, nationalistic, and less democratic. This is clearly happening in Russia as well, and that is why we need to advocate for compromise and peace negotiations immediately.

Here is the MSNBC article about Ukraine’s very real “Nazi problem.”

Ukraine’s Nazi problem is real, even if Putin’s ‘denazification’ claim isn’t

It’s so weird that liberals always have to frame Russia’s motives as the personal motives of Putin himself. It shows their childish, individualist mentality and need for a world with heroes and villains when reality is much more messy.

Now here is the graphic I referenced to show the blatant disregard for sovereignty and democracy that the US has displayed throughout the Cold War. Nothing has changed. They convinced people that they were the good guys in all these conflicts as well.

This source is an archived page from the National Endowment for Democracy’s grant database that shows how many millions of dollars they have dumped into influencing the politics of Ukraine. The NED is directly funded by the US government, and their resource allocation is determined by congress.

The NED removed all evidence of these grants after the Russian invasion, which was a clear admission of guilt.

When Ukrainian Nationalists attack proponents of peace online, their strategies of discrediting you feel like they’re copying the Zionist playbook:

First, they gaslight you and say you are stupid and crazy… but they can’t correct any of the “obviously wrong” information you share.

Second, they use identity politics to get the liberals on board with their nationalist movement. For me, when I call for peace negotiations, they say that I’m a privileged white gay boy from New York City who needs to shut up and listen to the nationalist pro-war Ukrainians about why more bloodshed is productive. This is nonsense because there are people who don’t understand the politics and history of their homeland all over the world, plenty of Ukrainians disagree with each other, and nothing is stopping many of these blank accounts from lying about where they come from. And in Israel’s case, they call you anti-semitic for opposing their genocide of Palestinians.

Third, both the Israelis and Ukranians engage in shifting the narrative to appear like the anti-imperialist side. Israelis claim that “Islamic Imperialists” kicked the Jews out of Israel thousands of years ago, so white European Jews have the right to kick Palestinians out of their homes. Ukrainian Nationalists do the same when they point to Ukraine’s history during the USSR when ethnic Russians moved into the eastern regions of Ukraine. They say that they now have the right to disenfranchise this ethnic minority in their country (by not letting them vote to leave) and even to take back their land through ethnic cleansing. That’s not how democracy and anti-imperialism work.

Chinaā€™s Caribbean Ties: Dominica FM Speaks (2023)

Time and time again, we hear leadership from developing countries praise China for their hands-off approach to development. Countries who work with China get competitive interest rates, no political intervention, and new vital infrastructure.

Itā€™s important to lift the voices of developing nations US global leadership has neglected and even stifled for so many years. A new pathway has emerged that doesnā€™t require a leader. China is showing how itā€™s possible to lead with win-win deals that honor both partiesā€™ interests and autonomy, and theyā€™re leading with action not ideology.

Also, this interview in particular struck me as wholesome and enjoyable! These two had so much success and national friendship to celebrate!

Why We Fight – China (1944)

This documentary on China is a propaganda film produced by the US for WWII and is a part of a series of films meant to show soldiers and the public why the war was important.

However, a decade after this film was released, the CIA was training terrorist Tibetan separatists at Camp Hale in Colorado to fight China in what would be a failed armed rebellion.